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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Boryang mode


When I was on my way here (E-lamp office) this today, I was trying to think what to do. I knew today isn't going to be an ordinary day. In the past one and a half years, I did not think of this. I mean, of what to do when I get to the office. It has been my routine to, turn on the PC, log my sched on my note, be mindful of the time and teach. But, today is totally a new day, not only for me, but to some of us here. They have removed all my students from my schedule. I don't have any work to do here. Nobody to teach, no reports to finish. So what then? Surf the Internet? Play offline/online games? Watched videos? oh..I'm bummed!

I had to keep myself busy.
So I opened a job site .
I did not want to waste time sitting pretty. I sent an application to 8 call center companies. For now, I can't tell where I'll end up with. But with God's guidance, i hope to be hired as soon as posible in a better company.


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